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C-Tracks Exchange-Traded Notes Miller/Howard Strategic Dividend Reinvestor doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is DIVC ETF?
- Does DIVC pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for DIVC?
- What is DIVC average volume?
- What is DIVC expense ratio?
- What is DIVC inception date?
What is DIVC ETF?
The investment seeks to provide exposure to the performance of the Miller/Howard Strategic Dividend Index Total Return.
The C-Tracks Exchange-Traded Notes Miller/Howard Strategic Dividend Reinvestor, are unsecured senior debt securities. The index is designed to track the performance of 30 equally weighted stocks traded on U.S. exchanges selected quarterly pursuant to rules based upon certain quantitative fundamental factors, including dividend yield, expected growth of dividend yield, market valuation relative to book value, return on invested capital relative to price-to-earnings ratio and trailing 26-week stock price momentum.
Does DIVC pay dividends?
No, the C-Tracks Exchange-Traded Notes Miller/Howard Strategic Dividend Reinvestor doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for DIVC?
Assets under management of C-Tracks Exchange-Traded Notes Miller/Howard Strategic Dividend Reinvestor is $12 B
What is DIVC average volume?
Average volume of C-Tracks Exchange-Traded Notes Miller/Howard Strategic Dividend Reinvestor is $0
What is DIVC expense ratio?
Expense ratio of C-Tracks Exchange-Traded Notes Miller/Howard Strategic Dividend Reinvestor is 0.70%
What is DIVC inception date?
Inception date of C-Tracks Exchange-Traded Notes Miller/Howard Strategic Dividend Reinvestor is 11 September 2014