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iPath Shiller CAPE ETN doesn't have historical dividend data
Supermarket Income REIT announces changes to investment advisory agreement
CAPD November 2024
Supermarket Income REIT PLC (LSE:SUPR, OTC:SUPIF) intends to amend its investment advisory agreement with Atrato Capital Limited (LSE:CAPD) to shift the basis of its management fee calculation from net asset value to market capitalisation. Under the updated agreement, fee rates will now apply progressively based on market cap starting at 0.95% for amounts up to £500 million and decreasing to 0.40% for amounts above £2 billion.
- What is CAPD ETF?
- Does CAPD pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for CAPD?
- What is CAPD average volume?
- What is CAPD expense ratio?
- What is CAPD inception date?
What is CAPD ETF?
The index seeks to provide a notional long exposure to the top four relatively undervalued U.S. equity sectors that also exhibit relatively strong price momentum. It incorporates the CAPE (Cyclically Adjusted Price Earnings) ratio to assess equity market valuations of nine sectors on a monthly basis and to identify the relatively undervalued sectors represented in the S&P 500®.
Does CAPD pay dividends?
No, the iPath Shiller CAPE ETN doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for CAPD?
Assets under management of iPath Shiller CAPE ETN is $18 B
What is CAPD average volume?
Average volume of iPath Shiller CAPE ETN is $303
What is CAPD expense ratio?
Expense ratio of iPath Shiller CAPE ETN is 0.45%
What is CAPD inception date?
Inception date of iPath Shiller CAPE ETN is 10 October 2012