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- What is AQGX ETF?
- Does AQGX pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for AQGX?
- What is AQGX average volume?
- What is AQGX expense ratio?
- What is AQGX inception date?
What is AQGX ETF?
The fund is an actively managed exchange-traded fund (“ETF”), it will not seek to replicate the performance of an index. The advisor seeks to achieve the fund’s investment objective of capital appreciation by principally investing in domestic common stocks that the advisor believes to have above-average growth potential relative to their peers. The fund invests principally in domestic common stocks and is not limited in its investments by market capitalization.
Does AQGX pay dividends?
Yes, the AI Quality Growth ETF does pays dividends, with
the most recent payment being
per share. The last ex-dividend date was on 20 December 2021, and the next ex-dividend date has not been announced yet
What is the current assets under management for AQGX?
Assets under management of AI Quality Growth ETF is $2 B
What is AQGX average volume?
Average volume of AI Quality Growth ETF is $4539
What is AQGX expense ratio?
Expense ratio of AI Quality Growth ETF is 0.96%
What is AQGX inception date?
Inception date of AI Quality Growth ETF is 08 November 2021