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- What is AHHX ETF?
- Does AHHX pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for AHHX?
- What is AHHX average volume?
- What is AHHX expense ratio?
- What is AHHX inception date?
What is AHHX ETF?
As an actively managed ETF, the fund will not seek to replicate the performance of an index. The investments of the fund and Portfolio funds will be comprised primarily of domestic and foreign fixed income securities, principally consisting of bonds, corporate debt securities, and government securities. It will invest a significant amount (generally at least 40%, and, often, greater than 80%) of its assets in securities that are rated below investment grade at the time of investment.
Does AHHX pay dividends?
Yes, the Adaptive High Income ETF does pays dividends, with
the most recent payment being
per share. The last ex-dividend date was on 22 March 2023, and the next ex-dividend date has not been announced yet
What is the current assets under management for AHHX?
Assets under management of Adaptive High Income ETF is $747 M
What is AHHX average volume?
Average volume of Adaptive High Income ETF is $4500
What is AHHX expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Adaptive High Income ETF is 0.68%
What is AHHX inception date?
Inception date of Adaptive High Income ETF is 15 November 2021