Howmet (HWM) finished the last trading day at $124.40, which is a decrease of 0.07% compared to the day before.
Investors frequently depend on the advice of Wall Street analysts to make choices about buying, selling, or holding stocks. Changes in ratings from these analysts, who work for brokerage firms, can significantly influence a stock's price. Media coverage of these rating changes often plays a role in this impact.
New investors often come across the same pieces of advice repeatedly as they start investing. While some companies are often in the news, there are also lesser-known businesses that deserve attention. For instance, Howmet Aerospace (NYSE: HWM) is a company that many investors may not be familiar with.
Make sure to have a variety of options. Consider the future.
Howmet Aerospace has shown impressive earnings growth, with a 9% increase in sales and a 27% rise in EBITDA for the fourth quarter, thanks to strong demand in the commercial aerospace and defense sectors. The company is set for future growth, projecting an 8% increase in sales and an 11% rise in EBITDA by 2025, aided by higher production of commercial airplanes. Although it may seem pricey, Howmet Aerospace's solid financial position, low debt, and commitment to returning value to shareholders make it an attractive investment.
We have just released a list of 10 S&P 500 stocks that did better than Bitcoin in 2024. In this article, we will examine how Howmet Aerospace Inc. (NYSE:HWM) compares to other S&P 500 stocks that outperformed Bitcoin this year. Since Donald Trump became U.S. President, Bitcoin's price has seen significant ups and downs.
Howmet Aerospace Inc. (NYSE:HWM) will hold its Q4 2024 Earnings Conference Call on February 13, 2025, at 10:00 AM ET. The call will feature company representatives including Paul Luther, Ken Giacobbe, and John Plant, along with various analysts from different financial institutions. Please be aware that this event is being recorded.
Howmet (HWM) reported quarterly earnings of $0.74 per share, which is higher than the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.72 per share. This is an increase compared to earnings of $0.53 per share from the same period last year.
In the fourth quarter of 2024, HWM's revenues rose by 9% due to a better commercial aerospace market.
The weakness in the transportation market probably affected HWM's performance in the fourth quarter. However, strong demand in the commercial and defense aerospace sectors is expected to improve its results.