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Himalaya Shipping (HSHP) News & Sentiment

Himalaya Shipping: A Superior Way To Play The Dry Bulk Market
Himalaya Shipping: A Superior Way To Play The Dry Bulk Market
Himalaya Shipping: A Superior Way To Play The Dry Bulk Market
Seeking AlphaJune 30, 2023

Himalaya Shipping Ltd. is in a strong position to capitalize on the dry bulk shipping market, which is largely inelastic due to a low orderbook for new ships and aging existing fleet. The management team and board of directors also have solid experience in related companies, positioning the firm to successfully deliver solid shareholder returns. Given the current market conditions and assuming a dry bulk boom similar to the 2000s, Himalaya Shipping's shares could potentially increase from $5.33 to $32.2 per share, making it a favorable investment with a speculative edge.