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Market Vectors Chinese Renminbi/USD ETN doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is CNY ETF?
- Does CNY pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for CNY?
- What is CNY average volume?
- What is CNY expense ratio?
- What is CNY inception date?
What is CNY ETF?
The investment seeks to replicate, net of expenses, the S&P Chinese Renminbi Total Return Index.
The index tracks the value of the Chinese RMB relative to the U.S. dollar. It follows the value of non-deliverable, three-month currency forward contracts that are rolled at three-month intervals and includes daily accrued interest.
Does CNY pay dividends?
No, the Market Vectors Chinese Renminbi/USD ETN doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for CNY?
Assets under management of Market Vectors Chinese Renminbi/USD ETN is $750 M
What is CNY average volume?
Average volume of Market Vectors Chinese Renminbi/USD ETN is $0
What is CNY expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Market Vectors Chinese Renminbi/USD ETN is 0.55%
What is CNY inception date?
Inception date of Market Vectors Chinese Renminbi/USD ETN is January 1, 2008