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- What is BSMY ETF?
- Does BSMY pay dividends?
- What stocks are in BSMY ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for BSMY?
- What is BSMY average volume?
- What is BSMY expense ratio?
- What is BSMY inception date?
What is BSMY ETF?
Does BSMY pay dividends?
Yes, the Invesco Bulletshares 2034 Municipal Bond ETF does pays dividends, with
the most recent payment being
per share. The last ex-dividend date was on 21 January 2025, and the next ex-dividend date has not been announced yet
What stocks are in BSMY ETF?
As of today, Invesco Bulletshares 2034 Municipal Bond ETF inlcudes 171 holdings
with the most weighted are State of Connecticut Special Tax Revenue (1.66%), Massachusetts Development Finance Agency (1.29%) and San Francisco Community College District (0.97%)
What is the current assets under management for BSMY?
Assets under management of Invesco Bulletshares 2034 Municipal Bond ETF is $8 M
What is BSMY average volume?
Average volume of Invesco Bulletshares 2034 Municipal Bond ETF is $5064
What is BSMY expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Invesco Bulletshares 2034 Municipal Bond ETF is 0.18%
What is BSMY inception date?
Inception date of Invesco Bulletshares 2034 Municipal Bond ETF is 11 September 2024