Vanguard Long-Term Treasury Index Fund ETF Shares logo

Vanguard Long-Term Treasury Index Fund ETF Shares price historyNASDAQ: VGLT

Price (after hours)


Fri, 27 Sep 2024 20:05:12 GMT

-33.46%vs 3 years high
+18.53%vs 3 years low
1 day+0.3%
1 month+0.5%
3 months+5.4%
6 months+4.8%
1 year+11.7%
year to date-0.4%
3 years-30.5%
5 years-29.5%

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3 years change

Price performance

1 month+0.5%+2.0%+2.0%+2.6%+1.8%--
3 months+5.4%---+4.3%--
6 months+4.8%+9.3%+10.5%+6.4%+9.2%--
1 year+11.7%+34.2%+38.4%+26.1%+33.7%--
3 years-30.5%+29.1%+21.0%+21.4%+28.9%--
5 years-29.5%+93.7%+128.2%+57.8%+93.2%--

What is the price of VGLT ETF?

The price of VGLT ETF is $61.73

What is VGLT stock price compared to its 3-years maximum value?

VGLT price is 66.53999999999999% of its 3-years maximum value

How has VGLT price changed over the year?

Over the past year, VGLT price has increased by 11.7%. During the same period, S&P 500 (GSPC) has increased by 34.2%, NASDAQ (IXIC) has risen by 38.4%, Dow Jones (DJI) has grown by 26.1%, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust has increased by 33.7%, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust has risen by 33.7%

How has VGLT price changed over the 3 years?

During the last 3 years, VGLT price has dropped by 30.5%. Over the same period, S&P 500 (GSPC) has increased by 29.1%, NASDAQ (IXIC) has risen by 21.0%, Dow Jones (DJI) has grown by 21.4%, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust has increased by 28.9%, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust has risen by 28.9%

How has VGLT price changed over the 5 years?

For the past 5 years, VGLT price has dropped by 29.5%. In the same period, S&P 500 (GSPC) has increased by 93.7%, NASDAQ (IXIC) has risen by 128.2%, Dow Jones (DJI) has grown by 57.8%, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust has increased by 93.2%, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust has risen by 93.2%